
Caroline waving

Caroline Joy Bell

About Me

Trans pride flag Tranarchy Trans your gender! A.C.A.B.

Antifa No nazis!



Windows Stop Linux NOW!

Learn HTML Now Tranarchy

Minecraft Java now!

Discord? No way! No apple Fuck Facebook

Works on:

Dreamcast Wii Xbox LIVE Xbox 360


Netflix Copy that floppy Piracy Now!


Caroline@halotroop.com trixie systems Falkreon Dardel
Send me your 88x31 buttons to be added!


 Hello, I'm Caroline. I'm a furry trans woman, an anarchist, an aspiring game developer, a maintainer of Homebrodot, the founder of the halotroop organization, and the creator of this website.
 I do all of these things independently, with no corporate sponsorship. So if you like what I do, I would very much appreciate a donation or membership over on Ko-fi!

A fully shaded

 I advocate for human rights, including (but not limited to)
the right to own and repair your personal property,
the right to food and shelter (no matter your economic standing),
the right for everyone to access safe and affordable healthcare, and to choose what they do with their own body,
and of course the right for LGBTQIA+ people to live and love how they please, without discrimination.

 If I had to boil down my philosophy into one sentence, it would be: "You should never judge someone for something they cannot change, but always be critical of the things they could change."

2020-2022: Minecraft

 In the past I have worked on Minecraft mods, the Fabric modding toolchain, and related projects. I've been a part of many fringe modding groups, such as Queerbric, Furbric, Better Than Updates, and Fabric Compatibility Layers.
 But the modding scene for Minecraft is so chaotic that it often resulted in nothing but burnout for me. My most successful modding projects were also the smallest in scope.
 I no longer actively develop Minecraft mods or play Minecraft, as the game has become a shell of its former self, and I haven't found any interest in playing it alone for years. Creating mods for the game is constantly getting harder, and less rewarding as Mojang encourages players to change what "Vanilla Minecraft" really is via datapacks.



 The halotroop organization exists because I saw a need for a new voxel game to be made. One which could be modded easily, and was completely open-source to allow for full extensibility.
 I put together a team of four people to create this game, but I only managed to keep them together for one turbulent month of development. This was the project Litecraft, which I would make several later attempts to rewrite, but never with as much success or passion.

 I would go on to later create the Better Than Updates organization, which has the goal of supporting one specific legacy version of Minecraft indefinitely, to avoid several issues that are posed by trying to always develop mods for the newest version of Minecraft.
 I settled on Minecraft Beta 1.7.3 which despite its age has a very active community of players and mod developers, today. The Fabric toolchain for this version did exist, but it was in very rough shape. So my first goal was to help make the toolchain better. This turned out to be my downfall as a mod developer, as it caused by far the most burnout, of anything I've ever done. There are too moving parts in a Minecraft modding toolchain.

Fabric Compatibility Layers

 I took a long break from both mod development and coding in general. And eventually decided to try something even more complex, assuming it would be simpler than it seems. I wanted to port the Minecraft Forge API to the Fabric loader.
 I hadn't gotten very far into this project when Cat Core joined me, and made this project viable for much more than just experimentation. Adding a translation layer for old Searge code mappings to new Tiny mappings, which was necessary to be able to actually run old mods through Fabric Loader.
 This eventually led Cat Core and I to create the Fabric Compatibility Layers organization together, for all projects that aim to support loading mods from other toolchains with Fabric Loader.

What I'm doing now


Now, in 2024 I mostly spend my time working with the Godot game engine on miscellaneous projects.
Homebrodot is the best of my Godot projects by a wide margin, and it wouldn't be possible without some amazing developers helping me.
Homebrodot is an organization dedicated to making the Godot game engine work on homebrew platforms. We started with supporting Godot 3 for the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation Vita. We also have a branch of Godot 2.1 for the PlayStation Portable and 3DS. Soon, we are planning to support Godot 4 the Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo Switch.